We often hear the advice "8 glasses of water a day", but what if part of your day is spent exercising?
One of the most significant ways your body loses water is through sweating. When we exercise, our bodies release heat in the form of sweat to try to cool us down—sweating changes the amount of water and electrolytes a person has, which can affect athletic performance and health.
Water is 60% of your total body weight and 75% of your muscles. We're made up of water more than anything else. To maintain optimal fluid balance, you need to replenish the fluid you lose. This way, you reduce the risk of heat stress and dehydration, which could cause many problems. If you're hydrated, your energy levels can stay stable. You may feel dizzy and tired, have muscle cramps, or have other severe symptoms. Therefore, it's essential to make fluid replacement a priority when you're physically active.
How much water should I drink while exercising?
The amount of water needed to drink while exercising differs from one individual to another. Several factors to consider can affect the rate of fluid loss during exercise, such as duration, intensity, temperature, humidity, fitness level, and types of clothing you wear.
For most people, the American Council on Exercise recommends drinking 7 to 10 ounces of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise. That is approximately 1 cup of water during your workout. And to drink 8 ounces of water no more than 30 minutes post-workout.
Whatever you do, whether you're training hard or just doing simple exercises, replenishing your fluids is essential. Always remember to keep a water bottle with you every time you hit the gym or even if you work out at home so that you can take quick and easy sips between your workout session.